Neil Osborne of 54 40 and Vancouver's Indie Scene

Joe Chisholm joechisholm at
Sat Nov 4 16:55:06 CST 2006

Dear music fans,

IndieCan Music invites you to be part of independent
Radio history.  We are pleased to announce that
Episode 20 marks our first ever show recorded on west
coast soil.  From Vertical Productions Inc. in
Vancouver, we bring you (this week and next) the first
two Vancouver Indie Scene shows.

Please go to for the free download of
our show to be part of it.  The Smears are a Angie,
Rene, Squid and Dustin who are an edgy and infectious
Vancouver punk rock band that are “live at IndieCan
West.”  Here this quartet a couple of times and I dare
you to not hum their tunes.  The Smears perform three
songs from their upcoming full length CD and talk
about how they are from all over the map, literally
and creatively.

If IndieCan has lucky streak it’s with infamous song
writers gracing our studio.  This week it is 54-40’s
Neil Osborne who has been so generous with his time. 
And as we have come to expect at IndieCan –
provocative and 100% cliché free.  

54-40’s 11th full length recording is what Brad
Merritt (bass) is quoted as saying “Say Yes to
Everything” is the first record in the second ½ of
54-40’s career.  Neil offers a retrospective on the
first 20+ years and their career, from being an indie
to major labels and back to indie label True North. 
In our conversation Neil shares plans for the band’s
next ambitious projects:  A CD release of 100 songs. 
Find out how far along they are.

Other fabulous artists include label mates THE GOLDEN
DOGS (who are on their way west and will be in
Vancouver and Victoria this month), ELIAS, MARBLE RYE,
I think for one hour gives listeners a great
cross-section of the Vancouver scene.

Next week will offer more of Vancouver.  Look for a
trip to Montreal coming soon.  Halifax, we love you. 
We just have to work that out – if anyone’s out there
that can help get us started, we would be grateful. 

Look for more photos and ramblings about my Vancouver
trip over the next few days.  Thanks to the artists of
Vancouver for being so welcoming.

Comments, questions, requests, ideas or to for removal
from this mailing list, please contact us at:

info at indiecan.

Thanks for listening.  And you’ve obviously been
telling your friends.  We are humbled to find
ourselves at over 10,000 visitors.  Culture is where
we find our humanity.  Thanks for supporting emerging
Canadian artists.


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