Juno winner, Andrew Cash and way cool bands you don't know

indie at indiecan.com indie at indiecan.com
Fri Apr 11 03:56:45 CDT 2008

   It is Episode # 80 Music Fans - cue the synthetic drums!

   Sorry, that was just a bad memory about a decade of slim pickings.   
No slim pickings in this weeks show - not even thin leather ties, big  
hair and tube dresses could bring this show down.

   First, Andre Skinner is back in the co-host seat with Joe Chisholm,  
just like back in the days of Episode 08 and such.  Andre brought into  
IndieCan studio, Mr. Andrew Cash, a longtime solo artist who appeared  
in the bands L'Etranger and Ursula and with Brother Peter, formed The  
Cash Brothers.  So, what's a typical post-punk, alt/country, Juno  
winning folk singing 25 year veteran doing on IndieCan?  Bringing us  
some insights into his latest solo project MURDER = and chatting about  
why indie life fits the Cash family lifestyle.

   Andre hits us with some Robert Hedge and Steve Dawson, Joe goes  
Gatineau and counters with First of June and T.Dot Hard Gear,  
Meg-A-Music Mary drops off some brand new, Isle of Thieves, we dig out  
some IndieCan two-timing Canteen Knockout, Hello Beautiful from  
Durham, Sled Dogs from Kelowna, Nathan Wiley from PEI and what  
precious little time is left, Andre and Joe banter about shop-talk.

   Burn a copy of this one to disc or put it on repeat on your MP3  
player, this show?s worth seconds but of course, you be the judge and  
get back to us.

   In March over 70,000 visitors came to see us at IndieCan ? a new  
record and Aril should eclipse that too.  We are humbled and honored  
to be depended on as a reliable source for your culture boost and it  
seems you?re telling your friends.

   Get to us:







   Remember to keep us informed with what?s rocking your world these days.


   Warm regards,


   Joe Chisholm


   IndieCan Radio


   info at indiecan.com

   a post-punker of the '80s

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