PEI Potato Plot thwarted by IndieCan and more Episode 95 News

indie at indie at
Thu Aug 7 02:47:21 CDT 2008

This just in on THE EPISODE 95 Report:  Do you hear that buzz?  Is it the
excitement over the greatest crop of emerging music in Canadian history –
or is a dastardly plot dancing in the Canadian indie wind???

PEI potatoes Jenn Grant and side-kick Kinley Dowling, posing as a Swedish
pop-duo were discovered en-route to Hillside Music Festival by IndieCan
Radio and forced to reveal to IndieCan listeners, new songs for an album
now in pre-production at a secret location in the lost world of rural
Ontario.  Attempts to escape by transforming IndieCan listeners to bugs
with narrowly averted but the lobster-trap-charms of these two Acadian
Queens proved too much for IndieCan Joe and XM engineer Steve Major as
attempts to contain the woman were futile and they escaped to wreak havoc
on the unsuspecting patrons of Hillside.  Would Jenn and Kinley, AKA,
Helga and Hilda cast their incarnations on the innocents of Hillside and
make them all bugs?  Tune in to Episode 95 now to find out. Also, this
week, Jessie O’Donnell, Hillside Office Manager takes us behind the scenes
of running the 25th Hillside.  Mandibles, The Monster Show, Justin
Rutledge and other Hillside friends bring us late-breaking details.

While you are trying to devote your full attention to the theatre of the
mind which is IndieCan Radio, if your millennial generation craving for
multi-tasking becomes overwhelming, catch up on Hillside commentary or the
9 photo galleries, or be one of the first to read about The Toronto
Independent Music Awards or gawk at our report on The Beaches Jazz
Festival which will be the focus of next week’s radio show.

Coordinates to prepare your self:

Read all about this weeks radio show:

Hear it now – no more clicking:

More sensory stimulation than an ADHD convention:

info at
The Best Music You’ve Never Heard

Coming Soon To IndieCan – MQ Metal Fest at The Phoenix August 17
Live at IndieCan, Public, Elliott Brood, Justin Rutledge and Plants and
Animals all coming soon.
Episode 100 is coming soon – let’s Party!!!!!

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