Cycle of Fear, NXNE and more...

indie at indie at
Fri Jun 13 05:37:36 CDT 2008

Hello Music Fans,

NXNE is in Toronto this week.  IndieCan is on the streets, day and night
and at our computers in the wee- hours. We have been looking at Music in
Film, we have been getting ready for NXNE.

This week we hear from indie movie producers Garth Douglas from Twisted
Pines where audiences enjoyed his epic tale of music in Canada in 1970,
Festival Express + from the Gala Premier of Cycle of Fear, we have Manuel
DaSilva chatting with us.

We sample a couple of tunes from the Twisted Pines compilation CD, which
is now available - all 22 tracks and 73 minutes form  We
look at NXNE artists, Fernando Saunders, The Cockroaches and The
Superfantastics.  We also hear from Vancouver's Superbeing, Calgary's Once
Just, Barrie's The Uprising, Montreal's You & Me and live numbers from The
Populars and Rayna.

Every day we'll be posting new NXNE coverage, so stay tuned daily.  If
you're in Toronto, we'll look forward to seeing you out there.


Joe Chisholm
IndieCan Radio
info at

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