Folk 'n' Eh festival and an upcoming celebrtion

Joe Chisholm joe at
Mon Feb 12 00:44:17 CST 2007

Hello music fans,

I met with the executives of AthletesCAN last week and what an  
uplifting experience.  You  could over hear someone talking about  
others who are so dedicated, so talented and have made a commitment to  
do what it takes to one day compete on the world stage with no  
guarantees and very little financial support.  They could be taking  
about indie artist.  They could be taking about Canada’s amateur  
athletes.  It would be so true of both and in so many ways, the plight  
of the athlete and the artist are identical.  The Grammies were on  
Sunday night and what Canadians weren’t cheering for Joel Plaskett,  
Neil Young and other Canadians?  The same will be true with the  
Vancouver Olympics, which are a couple of short years away.

This Friday, February 16th, IndieCan is devoting our birthday  
celebration to help support AthletesCAN and this “gentle reminder” is  
to remind you that you are invited to be a part of it.  $15 in advance  
and $20 at the door gets you inside IndieCan’s birthday party to  
celebrate with some of Ontario’s great emerging athletes, artists and  
some the veterans that mentor them.

In our next announcement we will look forward to sharing a list of  
great raffle items that will be going home with attendees.  A Long &  
McQuade guitar, Sunrise Record certificates, a chance to be a guest  
co-host for a future IndieCan Radio show and sports gear are just part  
of  IndieCan’s Birthday Bash.  You have to be there to win so go to to reserve your tickets or check out

   for more details.

Have you checked out Episode 32 yet?  We had a blast in the studio  
recording IndieCan’s first ever Folk ‘n’ Eh Song Circle.  From the  
depth of great singer-songwriters in this city we were able to get Ory  
and Jason of Ory No’man, Colleen from Lucy, Shawn Sage and from  
Trinity Road, Jeramy singing, playing and telling at IndieCan studio.   
Let us know what you think – If you like it, we’ll do more of this. 

Also as part of Episode 32 is part 2 of my interview with R.J.Guha who  
focuses on artist/management relationships.  This is a phenomenal look  
behind the scenes about when bands and managers should look for signs  
of engaging each other in this volatile time in the music biz.  Look  
for more on this weeks show at:

Enjoy Episode 32.  I hope to see you and your friends Friday.

Warmest regards,

Joe Chisholm

Joe Chisholm
IndieCan Music
the best music you've never heard
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